Who invented the Wedding Dress?

Western Culture - Nobody invented the wedding dress - they have evolved over time.   Originally in the middle ages…

8 years ago

Who invented the Magnifying Glass?

Roger Bacon- The magnifying glass was developed by Roger Bacon in the 13th Century Bacon (1214–1292) was a lecturer at…

10 years ago

Who invented the iPod?

Apple Inc.  - The ipod was invented by the American company Apple Inc in 2001. Whilst Apple Inc are firmly…

13 years ago

Who invented refrigerator?

An American inventor Oliver Evans made the first design for the refrigerator in 1804

13 years ago

Who Invented Smarties?

Rowntree Mackintosh Limited - Smarties were invented by the British Rowntree Company in 1882. During Georgian times chocolate became popular…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Pascal Programming Language ?

Niklaus Wirth - The Pascal programming language was developed by Niklaus Wirth in 1968 and first published for use in…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Floppy Disk?

David Noble - The ‘floppy disk’ was invented by David Nobel working for IBM in 1967. The first floppy disk…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Cheeseburger?

Lionel SternBerger - The Cheeseburger was invented by Lionel Sternberger in the USA in 1926. A number of claims have…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Google Search Engine?

Sergey Brin and Larry Page - The Google Search Engine was Invented By Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998.…

13 years ago

Who Invented Bubblegum?

Walter Diemer - Bubblegum was invented by Walter Diemer in Philadelphia in 1928. He never applied for a patent for…

13 years ago