Spiral notebooks have been used extensively in schools and in offices across the world. There are some variations of the spiral notebooks that are available. While some of them may have a spiral running along the length of the pages, others will have a spiral that is running along the breadth of the pages. While many others have perforated sheets that make it even simpler for the person to tear out the pages easily. The first mention of the spiral notebooks has been found in the popular magazine in their issue dated October 1934. The article shows readers how to bind the pages together using a coil spring, which is what a spiral notebook is all about. However for this particular invention, no citation or credit has been given to any author.
However the US Patent office does seem to have a patent application that was filed in early 1935 for the spiral notebook. The title that was given for this patent application was “Binding Construction and Method”. The patent application has detailed instructions and shows that Walter Grumbacher is the inventor. However the patent has been assigned to Spiral Binding Co. Ltd.
While the US patents office also shows that a Mr. Edward Podosek also applied for the patent of spiral notebooks and other common office supplies in 1983.
Disagree with name of inventor. Invented by William Corwin 1935 at Western Tablet St. Joseph Missouri