Who invented frisbee?

Walter Frederick Morrison invented Frisbee in 1948. But as to where he got this idea from, there is a story…

13 years ago

Who invented football/soccer?

Football is called soccer in USA, Australia, South Africa and Canada. The word soccer is older than word football, but…

13 years ago

Who invented baseball?

Baseball was played in America since early 1800s using local rules and informal teams. It was considered as America’s “national…

13 years ago

Who invented basketball?

Basketball was invented in 1891 by the Canadian physical instructor James Naismith. He was born in Almonte, Ontario in Canada…

13 years ago

Who invented hockey?

It was around 4000 years back; in the name of Keryetezin, that hockey was played in Egypt with horns and…

14 years ago