Who invented ice?

Dry ice was not an invention but a discovery and was sold under the name for it by the company…

13 years ago

Who invented frisbee?

Walter Frederick Morrison invented Frisbee in 1948. But as to where he got this idea from, there is a story…

13 years ago

Who invented football/soccer?

Football is called soccer in USA, Australia, South Africa and Canada. The word soccer is older than word football, but…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Floppy Disk?

David Noble - The ‘floppy disk’ was invented by David Nobel working for IBM in 1967. The first floppy disk…

13 years ago

Who invented television?

Many people acclaim John Logie Baird to be the original inventor of television.

13 years ago

Who invented first car?

The first car which was steam powered was invented by Ferdinand Verbiest in 1672 in China. Nicholas Cugnot was the…

13 years ago

Who invented fireworks?

It is believed that fireworks were invented 2000 years back in China but no sure records say as to who…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Cheeseburger?

Lionel SternBerger - The Cheeseburger was invented by Lionel Sternberger in the USA in 1926. A number of claims have…

13 years ago

Who Invented the Google Search Engine?

Sergey Brin and Larry Page - The Google Search Engine was Invented By Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998.…

13 years ago

Who invented dynamite?

Dynamite was invented in 1866 by a Swedish inventor, chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel.  In 1860 Alfred started experimenting with…

13 years ago