Dr John Harvey Kellogg – The invention of peanut-butter is attributed to three people but Dr John Harvey Kellogg patented his process for creating it in 1895. It was in 950 BC that the […]

Who invented the iPod?
Apple Inc. – The ipod was invented by the American company Apple Inc in 2001. Whilst Apple Inc are firmly recognised as the inventors of the ipod the original concept of a digital storage and […]

Who Invented the Analytical Engine – Computers?
Charles Babbage – British mathematician Charles Babbage invented computers in 1822. In the year 1786 the ‘Difference Engine’ was first thought of by J.H. Muller who was an engineer in the Hessian army. He described […]

Who Invented Bubblegum?
Walter Diemer – Bubblegum was invented by Walter Diemer in Philadelphia in 1928. He never applied for a patent for the product.The ancient Greek’s actually utilised the first form of chewing gum when they chewed […]

Who Invented the Computer Mouse?
Douglas Engelbart – The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart (1925-2013) in 1964. The first computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Dr. Douglas C Engelbart. He was working in collaboration with his colleague Bill […]

Who Invented Pizza?
The Italians – Pizza was probably invented by the Italians in the 10th Century. The origin of the word pizza is uncertain. In Italian it means ‘pie’ and may have come from the Greek word […]

Who Invented Cheerios?
Lester Borchardt – Cheerios were invented by Lester Borchardt in 1941. Cheerios originated from the American company General Mills in Minnesota in May 1941. The first cereal was actually called CheeriOats because it was made […]

Who invented the Wedding Dress?
Western Culture – Nobody invented the wedding dress – they have evolved over time. Originally in the middle ages and just after, weddings were unions for political reasons or strategic alliances between families and […]

Who Invented the Cheeseburger?
Lionel SternBerger – The Cheeseburger was invented by Lionel Sternberger in the USA in 1926. A number of claims have been made as to who created the first cheeseburger but the earliest is that of […]

Who Invented the Pascal Programming Language ?
Niklaus Wirth – The Pascal programming language was developed by Niklaus Wirth in 1968 and first published for use in 1970. Pascal is a programming language that was designed in the late 1960’s. In 1970 […]

Who invented camera?
Johann Zahn designed the first camera in 1685

Who invented the Magnifying Glass?
Roger Bacon- The magnifying glass was developed by Roger Bacon in the 13th Century Bacon (1214–1292) was a lecturer at Oxford University who conducted many experiments with mirrors to help explain the laws of refraction […]